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We've transformed pre & post diagnostic dementia support in West Sussex with our Sage House Model

Sage House offers high-quality, fully integrated person-centered care & support with a range of services under one roof. The Sage House Model is adaptable, scalable and flexible and is now available for community adoption. READ MORE...


Sage House | West Sussex

A range of high-quality care and support services for people with dementia.

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The Statistics | Why It's Not OK

The Sage House Model is available for community adoption across the UK.

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One Location | Many Benefits

Improving wellbeing, quality of life and social connection for people living with dementia.

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Dementia Support has national ambitions 

Dementia Support is a new national charity formed out of the success of Sage House in West Sussex, an integrated dementia hub that's been demonstrating how communities can be supported throughout a dementia journey with high quality, pre & post diagnostic support and care.

Comprehensive dementia support services under one roof

The Sage House Model aims to simplify the complexities of dementia care with a centralised hub where individuals can access a wide range of specialists, services, and support systems tailored to their unique needs.

Working together, not duplicating

We have forged many partnerships in the development of the Sage House Model and continue to expand the range of organisations we work with to bring our vision to communities all over the country.

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The impact of the Sage House Model

Results from a study by the University of Chichester have highlighted the unique and important contribution of integrated dementia support approaches not only for supporting wellbeing, quality of life and social connection, but also in providing financial benefits to the NHS and social care economy.

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Our customers say it best: 

"It just lifts your spirits walking through the door.."

To receive a copy of the full academic evaluation report of the Sage House Model:

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